2 de April de 2017
Fernanda Altvater Richter
Partner / Lawyer
Lawyer, graduated from PUC-PR in 2002, Master Degree in governance and sustainability with emphasis on Innovation by FGV / ISAE (2015 2016). Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law by the Bacellar Institute in 2007, she holds courses in Intellectual Property and International Law at Harvard University - USA (2003-2004).

She has wide experience in Intellectual Property and Litigation in general and has worked for more than 15 years in leading offices in IP. She is also training instructor and lecturer in Intellectual Property.

Languages: English and Spanish.

Arnoldo Reinaldo Richter Filho
Partner / Engineer
Engineer, graduated from UTFPR in 2000, Master Degree in Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology for Innovation - UFPR / Profnit (on going). He holds an MBA in Business Management from IBMEC in 2010. He works as Expert in Intellectual Property under Parana State Court since 2014. He is also Instructor of training in Intellectual Property and consultant in Innovation, Competitive Intelligence and R & D. He started writting Patent Applications in 2005.

Wide experience in multinational companies (TIM - ELECTROLUX - NEODENT) including implementation, coordination and management of Intellectual Property areas.

Languages: English, Italian and Spanish